Thursday, 24 October 2013

Another CPNS Test

Yesterday I took another CPNS test and it's a test in Ministry of Fisheries and Marine in Belawan. I got the last session in that day and must back home at night. The test itself started on 4 in the afternoon. Because I had taken my first CPNS test in Foreign Ministry before, I could go through it quite calmly. There was no nervous at all.

Talk about the Foreign Ministry test, I failed. Crying for some minutes this morning after reading the official announcement but it is life! I'm not living in fantasy land where mother fairy will drag her magic stick to change everything to be what I wish just by shedding tears.

Otherwise, I'm lucky enough! Many people can only take one test but I can take 3 in one year. What if I failed in the three tests? Nobody know! But if I decided to give up since the first one made me down successfully, everybody know I'll get nothing. Because I was too scared to start over.

Belawan is a port area in North Sumatra and the toll road we passed to reach there, offered us a different fantastic view in the both right and left road side. Much different from Medan's downtown. I saw a huge building area in strong China architecture colored golden yellow. Beautiful! I don't know what it was, but my friend said that it was maybe a Buddhist school.

Belawan also known as the center of the gigantic industrial factories in this province. And when we passed it in the night, the lights from the factories gave me a fantastic view. The leaning small boats reminded me to beach not far from our house.

I couldn't snap the proper pictures since we were on the freeway. Stopping was forbidden. But more or less the view was like this. TeeHee

Found some friendly examinees in the waiting room. There's a funny mommy from Samosir told us something. She gave some additional fee to the motorcycle taxi driver, but with one condition: pray for her success. And the driver immediately prayed for her. Hehe. There's also a man came to me and made me confused with his question, but it didn't take long time for him to realize that I was not someone he ever known before.

How about the test result? Let's see in the mid of November..
Wish me luck!!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Upside Down -- (2012)

Finished to watch this movie last night with my sister and I satisfied with the plot idea and special effects, but got big disappointed by the end. They should prolong the duration to complete the story. Less than 2 hours? Django just took less than 15 minutes to fill 3 hours duration!

It's about two different planets Up the rich and Down the poor. The planets existed next to another with 3 gravity rules:
  1. All matter is pulled by the gravity of the world that it comes from, and not the other.
  2. An object's weight can be offset by matter from the opposite world (inverse matter).
  3. After some time in contact, matter in contact with inverse matter burns.
That means if someone from Up went to Down, she wouldn't be able to walk normally since she against the gravity. If she wished to, she need some materials from Down to make her body balanced the gravity in Down. But it would be obtained for limited times or if not, she will burn.

Adam Kirk, an orphaned from Down lived in seedy neighborhood and unhealthy environment with waste oil from Up, fallen in love with Eden Moore from Up where the perfection of sophisticated living found. They met in the mountain top, the closest place in which could unite people from the different planets. But, it's strictly forbidden for people from the planets to meet up. When Adam pulled Eden towards Down with rope and he carry her on his shoulder, they got caught by Down's authority. It's too late for Adam to send Eden back to Up since one man shoot him caused the rope detached and Eden fallen down, bleeding in her head.

Mamak sama Bapak ke Kotarih hari ini. Padahal puasa. Tigan cuma nginap satu malam aja. Bawaannya yang banyakan. Bikin bukaan yang gampang aja. Tahu goreng. Kenapa namanya cuma tahu goreng ya? Mungkin daerah lain punya nama yang lebih keren untuk si tahu goreng ini.

  • Selada
  • Taoge 
  • Tahu
  • Timun
  • Kacang tanah
  • Gula merah
  • Bawang putih 3 siung
  • Bawang merah goreng
  • Cabe rawit
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Daun sop sebagai pelengkap

Perdana masak bakwan dan hasilnya gagal. Gak terlalu gagal juga sih, masih bisa dinamakan bakwan. Yah namanya masak pas lagi puasa, tebak-tebakan. Kan gak bisa icip-icip. Garamnya gimana, tekstur tepung sama sayurnya udah pas apa belum. Harusnya gak usah pake tepung bakwan instan aja. Diajarin sama tukang sayur tempat belanja di pasar, pake tepung terigu biasa aja. Kata kak Ita namanya juga belajar.

  • Tepung terigu 250 gr
  • Air 350 ml
  • Kol, wortel, daun bawang dan daun sop disesuaikan
  • Udang kering secukupnya
  • Bawang merah 3 siung
  • Bawang putih 3 siung
  • Cabe rawit secukupnya
  • Merica 1 sendok makan
  • Telur 1 butir
  • Garam secukupnya
Daun bawang, daun sop, wortel dan kol diiris tipis-tipis

Ini salah satu makanan sedap yang gampang banget masaknya.
  • Ikan nila
  • Tomat 4 buah
  • Bawang bombai 
  • Cabai merah besar 15 buah
  • Bawang merah 4 siung
  • Bawang putih 5 siung
  • Nanas muda ukuran sedang
  • Sambal tomat botol
Cara masak:
  • Goreng ikan nila sampai matang betul
  • Haluskan tomat dengan cara diblender. Kalo kejadian mati lampu kaya kemarin sih bisa pake parutan timun untuk menghaluskan tomatnya
  • Haluskan bawang merah putih, dan 10 buah cabai merah besar di tempat terpisah
  • Iris bawang bombai ukuran sedang
  • Sisa 5 cabai merah besar dibelah jadi 2 bagian
  • Tumis bawang merah putih, dan 10 buah cabai merah besar yang sudah dihaluskan dan juga bawang bombai
  • Masukkan tomat halus dan sambal tomat botol, habiskan aja. Karena kalo pun kebanyakan, bumbunya bisa disimpan di kulkas
  • Masukkan cabai merah yang sudah dibelah menjadi 2
  • Tambahkan garam dan gula pasir secukupnya