Thursday 22 November 2012

Sist's Hauls From Bandung

My sister just arrived home from her three days vacation in Bandung. She took some souvenirs which were claimed as Bandung typical ones. I really wanted to join her but she said that she and her friends would not visit Trans Studio Bandung because it was so pricey she said (‘`) So what my purpose then if we would not enter the Trans Studio then. Just to get the rare chance going to Bandung with cheaper price? Ahhh, I’ll go there by my own money if I have had it instead. Until I know they visited Kawah Putih (‸↼‶)
Okay Lia.. Just get good job and visit any place you wish to..image image image

Seriously I think I need to sign up for Instagram account. some foods and stuffs just look much better if get touched by it. 
Here the souvenirs she took from there:

Campfire Legend: The Babysitter

After finishing my review on Campfire Legend: The Hookman, now I will post the next Campfire Legend review and this one is The Babysitter. You can get its free download here and the walk through and the cheats strategy here.