Sist's Hauls From Bandung

Thursday, 22 November 2012

My sister just arrived home from her three days vacation in Bandung. She took some souvenirs which were claimed as Bandung typical ones. I really wanted to join her but she said that she and her friends would not visit Trans Studio Bandung because it was so pricey she said (‘`) So what my purpose then if we would not enter the Trans Studio then. Just to get the rare chance going to Bandung with cheaper price? Ahhh, I’ll go there by my own money if I have had it instead. Until I know they visited Kawah Putih (‸↼‶)
Okay Lia.. Just get good job and visit any place you wish to..image image image

Seriously I think I need to sign up for Instagram account. some foods and stuffs just look much better if get touched by it. 
Here the souvenirs she took from there:
Dodol (Lunkhead)
When my dad tried to eat dodol which covered by corn skin, he asked if the skin is clean or not () #CornFarmer’sFeeling. What ever it is, Dodol Garut or Dodol Bengkel, if the title is DODOL, I never like it. Really not my taste. I tried the covered by corn skin dodol and i felt nauseous. It was too sweet and i didn’t continue to finish it and gave it to my mom then.
Lapis Legit
I often ate lapis legit before but honestly it was the first time for me to eat this kind of cake. There was lapis legit in its midts #norak. The cake was great based on its texture. So soft and the taste was pretty balance. But when I bite the lapis legit, its texture was really damn so good too but the taste.. too ginger.. in my tongue, I just felt the ginger from the first to the end. Not my taste. This cake was by Kartika Sari. My sist said that it was one of most famous bakery shop in Bandung.
Special Cheese Brownies
Look special maybe. But when I tried it, eewwwww.. too cheesey.. half brownies and half cheese. Too salty in my tounge. Even my dad didn’t like it too. My sist said that it was so pricey but what the meaning of pricey cake if i could not enjoy it T.T  she also said that I was plebs  and not suit to eat western food LOL. Okay.. just give me Indonesia traditional food then. #seriously. 
If only they reduced the amount of cheese from the brownies maybe the taste would be much better because the brownies itself was really great. But it would not been suit for the name of special cheese brownies anymore LOL. I ate the brownies by separating the cheese part and I got anger by my sister. She just looked like didn’t really that love the western taste too LOL. The brownies was by Kartika Sari too. Maybe she bought them in one place in one time.
Yeahhh.. after getting confused by the three snacks, dodol, lapis legit and cheese brownies, I met this Bagelen. The best. Still from Kartika Sari. Surely I really love this bagelen. Not too sweet. It was crunchy but still so soft. Really loveable toast. Bagelen is dry toast with sweet cream which contains butter and icing sugar before toasted. Love love love Bagelen. I think at home, I was the one who ate the Bagelen most (˘˘)
Bandeng (Milkfish)
Some days before my sist went to Bandung, I told my friend, Fani, if she has any request to be bought from Bandung by my sist or not. She said that she didn’t like any bags or shoes so she asked me to tell my sist to buy her Bandeng Presto. I told my sist and she really bought it but not like Fani requested. She bought bandeng but without the presto thingy LOL.
I told Fani if my sist has bought the bandeng but because we have not being college student anymore so it was impossible for me to go to Medan just to give her the Bandeng. More then my sist just bought one box which contained two fish and my mom and brother just like wandering the fish because we never eat it before.
image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image 
She sighed if the case was like that so what the hell I should tell her about the bandeng had arrived at my home. LOL. I just wanted you to know that the bandeng has been bought and I never think about bandeng if you didn’t tell me about that, i replied her. LOL. So she asked me about the horta. Uh oh.. I forgot about that one so my sist didn’t buy it. But i told her that maybe we could get horta in Medan. 
image Horta made of sawdust which formed various (like pandas, tortoises, cows, pigs, cats, frogs, monkeys, elephants, or tigers) which can be used as a medium cropping that are packaged in the form of a doll with the head can overgrown with grass. The game begins when the child soak the head doll in the water and then watched the grass growth on the doll head on daily basis. At a time when grass has met the head of the doll, children can be creative with trim lawn into desired shape image
Oh, before I tried the bandeng, I told Fani there was nothing special from the fish to reduce her disappointed but after it got fried, the taste was really good. Not brave enough to tell her so I just kept silence LOL.
Bandung T-shirt
Okay.. this kind of t-shirt had been a must maybe. Such a prove for some people had come to some place i think -,-“ I ever remained my sist not to buy this kind of shirt before she went to Bandung because i even not willing to wear ‘I Love Medan’ shirt T.T but it was much better then if she bought key chain LOL.
I gave her some amount of money to buy me some beauty Muslim dresses (need addition from her of course) but she bought something i never want to wear and even if i want to, i never canー`) 
*But she promised me to buy the same price dress. image image image*

She bought the modern one and I did the self camera first.
p.s: got make over virtually plus helped by photoscape.
I'm not a make up expert duh. and it was a trial so I need something to cover the watermark image image 


  1. Pre order bagelen @ brownies kartika sari atau brownies amanda fresh from Bandung
    Whatsapp ina 0192633431
