Back To 1997

Monday, 12 August 2013

Suddenly want to back to my broken English blogpost like my and other blogger friends who also use English had given me more spirit to gain my English ability at least in writing. Find some mistakes in my writing? There will be no hard feeling if you tell me ^,^

Overtook Mom and Kakak to Kampung this morning with Dad and Abang. Then drove Mama to a clinic in the afternoon and found an old year of publication magazine in the receptionist table, Forum Keadilan (Forum of Justice), while waiting the doctor came. I was 7 years in that time and I just remember I was only a second grade elementary schoolgirl. Now I can flashback what important occurrences happened in my childhood; something I never care at that time. Though I can remember some of them.

  • Humanistic dialogue for Soeharto's re-run for president
Indonesia was at its worst economic crisis at that time and people blamed him for not being able to control it. So many argumentations about who was the best person who could replace him and late Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Soekarno Putri and also our current president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono included in the list.

  • New warriors in Bank of Indonesia
The list included Miranda Gultom and that's the start for her to serve as The Deputy of Bank of Indonesia and now she entangles in bribery case for the position. And also Aulia Pohan who is now father-in-law of President Yudhoyono's first son.

  • The death of Princess Diana and Mother Theresa
I remember about the Princess but never know about Mother Theresa at that time. But I ever watched a movie about her struggle for the rabbles in India on Metro TV's World Movie. Lady Di was died  in a tragic accident with her boyfriend, Dodi Al Fayed, in Paris tunnel on 31 December. And Mother Theresa died adrift just one week from Lady Di's death.

  • Titanic's first release
I remember. I and my friends were under my friend's aunty's watch while watching the movie due to the sexual content. We were underage. Lol. Directed by James Cameron, Titanic cost $200 millions (1 trillion rupiah). I can't imagine how much that money is today.

Titanic had been made into more than 20 movies and even a month after the tragedy, Save From The Titanic which acted by them who were the real Titanic tragedy survivors, was released. But Cameron had the different version from the others and don't forget about the budget. Other versions just show about the Titanic only and Cameron made it by adding the forbidden love story between people with high and low status.

Cameron prepared 5 years for observation before started to film it. He dive to see the ruins of the ship. He made the replica of Titanic which was only 10 % smaller than the original and prepared 64 millions litre of water to drown it. To create an authentic ship interior, Cameron built studio covering 16 hectares. 

The article guested if Cameron would get best profit from his big ambition with his Titanic or just drown like the real ship which ever dubbed as the unsinkable ship. You can answer it, right?

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  1. besok-besok dikasih translete ya kalau boleh..please...

    yang bisa bahasa inggris belum pada komen lagi....
    jadi intinya..saya nggak bisa menyimpulkan

  2. @Moti
    Aku pake interface blogger yang lama nih jadi gak tau gimana pasang widget translatenya.

  3. I was still 6 back then and I didn't know what a president was and what a bank was. I had never heard of the names of important people in the country either. I only remembered singing along Meisy's and Josua's songs when they appeared on tv. Lol.

  4. loh, kakak, abang sama kampung memangnya ngga kada bahasa inggrisnya ya? hehehehe

    trus tambahkan komentarnya di pindahin kebawah aja ya. tadi sempet bingung nyari kolom komentarnya hehehe

  5. kakak hebat bisa inget kejadian waktu kecil, aku aja ga inget dulu keadaan negara kita kaya apa -_-

  6. ini kenapa sih. orang-orang pada bahasa inggris.. ini namanya diskriminasi sama org2 yang gak pandai bahasa inggris.. Akhhh

  7. Aku juga cuma plesbek dari artikel majalah jadul itu, teman-teman.. hehe

  8. Nahloh bhs inggris lagi....

    Tahun 1997 aku sudah SMP loh, ketauan deh tuanya T_T

    I can't remember anything, the one I remember is I was a vocalist of a band. But now I'm a drummer. Coz my voice was not good. Hehehe

  9. I was 7 too. I don't even remember about the bank and the president. But I know about the death of princess Diana. And.. titanic. I remember that I was so curious about the forbidden love, and the scene about "the rose's nude painting". hahahha

  10. Waktu saya masih tk, saya udah tau tentang presiden. Tapi yang saya tau cuma Gusdur aja, karena beliau yang meliburkan anak sekolah saat bulan ramadhan wahaha^^

  11. bner kata si moti: kasih transletenya biar bisa nikmatin yak. heheheh.....

    gue liat ada tulisan tokoh soeharto, ytakinnya sih ini nulis cerita tentang soeharto. bner ga?

  12. i was born in that time haha

  13. Modyaaar~
    Aku rak mudeng ngomong opo -___-

    Maaf enggak bisa ngasih komentar yang bermutu

  14. Tahun 97 itu zamannya gue masih main layangan sambil bugil #eh namanya juga anak2 wajarlah. hahaha :D

  15. maaf yah lia, nggak kelihatan kolom komentnya, jadi baru komen sekarang.. hee.

    mengingat kembali taun 1997an yah..
    gue inget banget waktu miranda goeltom di angkat jadi deputi gubernur BI .

  16. maaf yah Lia aku baru sempat meninggalkan jejak di mari,,, kembali ke 97 saat itu aku masih SD deh hehe.. hmm sowry juga aku gak sempet translate n gak mudeng banget sama englishnya jadi gak bisa kasih ngomentar tentang tulisan Lia,, cuma kereeenn deh bisa buat article english gt.. ^^
