I Dreamt of My Father

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Last night was the first time from the whole six months of my father's passed away, I ever dreamt of him. Constantly I cried hard the time I awakened from my dream. I could clearly remember his voice in my dream is the same I used to hear when he was alive. Bapak..😢

The dream was not more than 5 minutes in length I hope it was in hours seriously my God. 

In my dream, there was a tree on the ground of our home's right side (there is no one in reality). Bapak was having a nap on its branch and in my dream, I realised my father had passed away. I had no any single piece of fear in my heart seeing my late father is napping before me. 

Sad in my heart but another happy feeling approached my soul, in that dream. I asked him why took a nap on the tree? Why not take one inside? He answered. He answered my questions. I could clearly hear in my dream my father spoke with his real voice when he was alive. 

Suara Bapake 😢😢

He replied "hati-hati di Medan (take care in Medan)" and then he's gone 😭😭

I jumped and asked Nande and sissy exaggeratedly happy if they hear my father's voice right? You listen too, right? 

Then I was awakened.. And couldn't control my tears.. my breath.. my mind.. I am still waiting the answer to come. Why my father leaved us that fast..


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